Kari’s Law and Ray Baum’s Act are two FCC statutes designed to make it easier for callers to reach 911 and for emergency services to locate callers in a large facility like an office building, hotel or university campus.
Kari’s Law requires that any building with a multi-line telephone system (MLTS) must allow callers to dial 911 directly (without needing to dial “9” to get an outside line, for example).
When a 911 call is made, the system must also send a notification to a central location like a front desk or security kiosk and include a callback number and information about the caller’s location.
PSAPs/ECCs, businesses, and educational facilities do not need to change their MLTS to comply with Kari’s Law regulations.
RAY BAUM’S Act requires that a “dispatchable location” is passed along with every 911 call to a PSAP/ECC, regardless of the technology platform. This includes 911 calls from an MLTS.
A dispatchable location means a validated street address of the person calling and additional information such as a room or floor number.
However, these rules do not apply to wireless providers who are subject to separate location accuracy requirements and benchmarks.
Alyssa’s Law is also now in effect in Florida, New Jersey, and now in Texas that requires the staff to wear mobile ‘panic buttons’ specifically in schools by 2025-2026 school year to provide critical situational awareness direct to public safety in the event of an emergency.
Simplified RAY BAUM'S Act 911 Compliance
Kari's Law and the RAY BAUM'S Act now requires additional dispatchable location reporting to 911, requiring more accurate detail, that if done incorrectly, could incur significant recurring costs.
Now, NG911 solutions are available to help solve these issues in new ways, while adding additional capabilities, and reducing the recurring operating expense.
Find out how your business can become compliant, minimize liability, and most of all - protect your employees and guests.
Kari’s Law Requirements
1.Does your current 911 infrastructure notify relevant parties that an emergency call has been made via an organization provided PBX phone?
2. Does your current 911notification provide the location of the device that dialed 911?
3. Does your current 911 infrastructure allow for 911 calls to be places without requiring them to dial 9 first then the number?
Ray Baum’s Act
4. When you dial 911 from your business phone, do you send the building address with the call through the 911 network?
5. When you dial 911 from your business phone, do you send additional information that allows the calling party to be located in a reasonable amount of time to the PSAP and on-site individuals.
6. Does your organization contain multiple buildings or buildings with multiple floors that are listed under one address?
If you answered “YES” to the question above:
6.1 Do you provide this additional location data (i.e. building, floor, zone) with the 911 calls?
6.2 Can the level of location detail you provide allow you and/or first responders the ability to find the caller in a reasonable amount of time?
7. Do you have a way of updating associated device locations in the 911 records when the devices are moved?
8. Do you have a mechanism for knowing when devices move throughout the network so that the associated 911 records can be updated?
9. If you have employees working from home who are using a softphone on a laptop or a hardware IP or SIP phone, are you currently provisioning their location data to the 911 database?
10. If you have employees that travel frequently and using a softphone on a laptop or a hardware IP or SIP phone, are you currently provisioning their location data to the 911 database?
Alyssa's Law
The Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida took the lives of 17 people children, and school staff members.
One of these victims, 14-year-old Alyssa Alhadeff, inspired a law, known as Alyssa’s Law.
Alyssa’s Law - is critical legislation that was passing in May 2023 that re\quires the installation of silent panic alarms that are directly linked to law enforcement, so in case of any emergency they will get on the scene as quickly as possible, take down a threat and triage any victims.
Gov. Abbott signs "Alyssa's Law" to help provide the highest level of Workplace Safety
June 14, 2023, Austin, Texas. Greg Abbott signed a new school safety bill called Senate Bill 838, also known as "Alyssa's Law," that requires all public and charter schools to install silent intruder alert technology in classrooms by the 2025-26 school year.
These new Emergency Response Applications must include:
1) Administrative Access to Critical Information
2)Silent Panic Alarm System
3) Real-Time Communication Between First Responders
4) 2-Way Communication with Users
The law is named for Alyssa Alhadeff, who was killed in the Florida Parkland school shooting in 2018.
Active shooter is a term used to describe the perpetrator of an ongoing mass shooting.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines an active shooter as "one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area.", excluding self-defense, gang or drug violence, crossfire, and domestic disputes.
The United States Department of Homeland Security defines an active shooter as "an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims."
Most incidents occur at locations in which the killers find little impediment in pressing their attack. Locations are generally described as soft targets, that is, they carry limited security measures to protect members of the public.
In most instances, shooters die by suicide, are shot by police, or surrender when confrontation with responding law enforcement becomes unavoidable, and active shooter events are often over in 10 to 15 minutes.
"According to New York City Police Department (NYPD) statistics, 46 percent of active shooter incidents are ended by the application of force by police or security, 40 percent end in the shooter's suicide, 14 percent of the time the shooter surrenders, and in less than 1 percent of cases the violence ends with the attacker fleeing."
It is common practice today to protect our schools and public buildings through legislation - such as Kari’s Law, requiring the direct dial of 911 from telephone devices and the on-site reporting of the emergency call to staff, and the Ray Baum's Act requiring a dispatchable location be sent to public safety in an emergency.
Dispatchable location is location information delivered to the emergency services with a 911 call that consists of the street address of the caller and additional information necessary to identify the exact location of the caller including the suite, apartment, floor, room, and/or office numbers, and phone extension.
Dispatchable location is also known as “the door to knock on.”

What is Next Generation 911?
Next Generation 911 (commonly referred to as NG911) is a digital, internet protocol (IP)-based system that will replace the analog 911 infrastructure that’s been in place for decades.
The success and reliability of 911 will be greatly improved with the implementation of NG911, as it will enhance emergency number services to create a faster, more resilient system that allows voice, photos, videos and text messages to flow seamlessly from the public to the 911 network.
NG911 will also improve public safety answering points’ ability to help manage call overload, natural disasters and transfer of 911 calls based on caller location data.
Because most 911 systems were originally built using analog rather than digital technologies, literally all the PSAPs across the country need to be upgraded to NG911.
While the technology to implement these new IP-based 911 systems is available, the transition to NG911 involves much more than just new computer hardware and software. Implementing NG911 in states and counties nationwide will require the coordination of a variety of emergency communication, public safety, legislative and governing entities.
NG911 Progress Across the U.S.
Many states and localities are planning for and making the transition to NG911 now.
In Phase I, the 911 software provides the civic address of the nearest cell tower or the coordinates of the cell sector centroid.
The Phase I location is typically not a “dispatchable location,” meaning it cannot reliably be used on its own to dispatch emergency responders.
Phase II location utilizes GPS, which is often very accurate in outdoor environments with a clear line of sight to a satellite, but can have limitations in dense urban settings or indoors.
Often, Phase II location falls back to cell tower triangulation which is much less accurate.
The greatest challenge for emergency responders is that Phase II location typically takes 30 seconds or more to arrive – precious time in an emergency.
Annually, the National 911 Program collaborates with 911 associations to gather the most recent information about nationwide progress toward NG911. The 911 Profile Database includes the latest self-reported data from U.S. states on their progress toward NG911.
In Alaska, a municipality may require a MLTS operator to provide enhanced 911 service.
In Arkansas, MLTS operators must deliver to the PSAP the phone number and street address of any telephone used to place a 911 call. Ark. Code Ann. 12-10-303 (1997).
MLTS operators shall provide written information to their end-users describing the proper method of dialing 911, when dialing an additional digit prefix is required. MLTS operators that do not give the ANI, the ALI, or both shall disclose this in writing to their end-users and instruct them to provide their telephone number and exact location when calling 911. Sec. 1. 29-11-100.5, Colorado Revised Statutes
A private company, corporation or institution may provide private 911 service to its users, provided it has adequate resources, the approval of the Office of State-Wide Emergency Telecommunications and the municipality in which it is located, and a qualified private safety answering point. https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap_518a.htm#sec_28-25b
Section 365.175: REQUIRED ALI CAPABILITY - Each PBX system installed after January 1, 2004 must be capable of providing automatic location identification to the station level.
History. - S.3, ch. 2003-182.
Requirements vary based on residential vs. business and square footage. Private residential switch service providers must identify the telephone number, extension number, and the physical location of a 911 caller to the PSAP. Private business switch service providers must provide ANI and ALI data for each 911 call. Also, they must not require the dialing of an additional prefix. Generally, a distinct location needs to be provided per 40,000 ft or each entity sharing a building.
Residential private switch telephone service providers located in E911 capable areas must provide ANI and ALI data for each 911 call, and must provide ALI that includes the street address, plus an apartment number or floor, if applicable. 65.752 Statutes.
PBX systems installed after January 1, 2005 must be capable of providing station level ALI (Automatic Location Identification) to the PSAP.
Residential MLTS providers must deliver a distinct ANI and ALI for each living unit to the PSAP. Business MLTS providers must deliver ANI or ALI to the PSAP; specific ALI data requirements are outlined. Also includes requirements for hotels/motels, exemptions and guidelines to establish a private emergency answering point. State of Maine - MLTS installed or upgraded after July 27, 2005 require a minimum of one ANI/ALI per floor, per 40,000 square feet. 25 MRSA 2934.
Maryland has enacted Kari's Law.
This bill requires that, by December 31, 2017, a person that installs or operates a “multiple-line telephone system” ensure that the system is connected to the public switched telephone network in such a way that when an individual using the system dials 9-1-1, the call connects to the public safety answering point without requiring the user to dial any other number or set of numbers. Executive Branch units are exempt from compliance until the date of the next upgrade of the unit’s multiple-line telephone system.
Beginning July 1, 2009, all new or substantially renovated multi-line telephone systems and multi-line telephone system operators shall provide to end users or subscribers the same level of enhanced 911 service that is provided to other end users or subscribers in the commonwealth.
The service shall include, but not be limited to: (a) ALI and ANI that meets, at a minimum, the applicable standards as defined in 560 CMR 4.00; (b) a call back number as defined in 560 CMR 4.00; and (c) dispatchable location information as defined in 560 CMR 4.00. For structures or buildings located in the commonwealth, such information shall be transmitted to the appropriate jurisdictional PSAP.
A person engaged in owning, managing, configuring, or operating a multi-line telephone system that provides outbound dialing capability or access shall configure the system to allow a person initiating a 9-1-1 call on the system to directly access 9-1-1 service by dialing in order the digits 9, 1, and 1 without an additional code, digit, prefix, postfix, or trunk-access code.
All non-compliant devices that provide outbound dialing capacity or access must have immediately adjacent to, and optionally on, the device an instructional sticker instructing the user how to access 9-1-1 service. The instructional sticker must be printed in at least 12-point boldface type, in a contrasting color using a font that is easily readable, and is written in English and Spanish.
Automatic Location Identification or ALI.
An enhanced 911 service capability that allows for the automatic display of information relating to the geographical location of the communication device used to place a 911 call.
Automatic Number Identification or ANI. An enhanced 911 service capability that allows for the automatic display of a telephone number used to place or route a 911 call.
Call Back Number. A number used by a PSAP to contact the location from which the 911 call was placed. This number shall allow a call from the PSAP to reach the station used to originate the 911 call, or the number of a switchboard operator, attendant, or other designated on-site individual with the ability to direct emergency responders to the 911 caller's location 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days per year.
Dispatchable Location Information. The location delivered to the PSAP with a 911 call that consists of the validated Location Database (LDB) street address of the calling party, plus additional location information such as: building name or number (if more than one building shares the same street address), floor number (if more than one floor), suite name or number, apartment name or number, and room name or number or similar location information necessary to adequately identify the location of the calling device.
ERL Identifiers and Unit Identifiers are forms of dispatchable location information. For devices located in sleeping and/or living quarters, dispatchable location information shall include a room name or number.
Requirements vary based on number of buildings and square footage. Generally, the specific location of each communications device needs to be provided unless an alternative method of notification and adequate means of signaling and responding to emergencies is maintained 24-hours a day. MLTS operators in violation of the act after December 31, 2011 may be assessed a fine by the Michigan Public Utilities Commission from $500.00 to $5,000.00 per offense.
There are some exemptions….
Operators of MLTS purchased after December 31, 2004 must ensure that their system provides ANI and ALI for each 911 call. Residential MLTS should provide one distinctive ANI and one distinctive ALI per residential unit. Location identification requirements for businesses are outlined. Also includes requirements for hotels/motels, schools, exemptions and guidelines to establish a private emergency answering point.
Service providers must provide callers with access to the appropriate PSAP. Anyone operating a shared tenant service is required to provide the ANI and ALI for each 911 call made from any extension. http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/documents/2014/html/SB/2500-2599/SB2566PS.htm
New Hampshire:
Telephone and VoIP service providers, as well as hotels, motels, hospitals, universities and potentially others, must deliver the 911 call with the ANI to the appropriate PSAP.
New York:
MLTS operating in public buildings must allow any call to 911 on the system to be directly connected to a public safety answering point (PSAP).
Public buildings are defined as buildings that belong to the state, county, town, school district or any other political or civil subdivision of state or local government.
Business owners or operators using VoIP service must allow a 911 call on the system to directly access 911 without an additional code, digit, prefix, postfix, or trunk-access code, and must provide a notification to a central location when someone on their network dials 911.
Shared residential MLTS operators must deliver 911 calls to the PSAP with one distinctive ANI and ALI for each living unit. Business MLTS operators must deliver the 911 call with an ANI and ALI detailed to the building and floor location of the caller or must establish a private emergency answering point.
Details, notification requirements and exemptions are outlined as well. https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/LI/consCheck.cfm?txtType=HTM&ttl=35&div=0&chpt=53
MLTS operators who serve residential users and facilities must provide the same level of 911 service as received by other residential users in the same regional plan area, including ANI.
Business owners or operators using VoIP service must allow a 911 call on the system to directly access 911 without an additional code, digit, prefix, postfix, or trunk-access code, and must provide a notification to a central location when someone on their network dials 911. http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/HS/htm/HS.771.htm
Requires that MLTS providers offering residential or commercial service to non-affiliated businesses must provide the level of 911 service as required under the appropriate regional plan. Businesses must provide the PSAP with ANI and ALI data for each 911 call. Details, including location identification requirements for businesses and exemptions, are outlined as well.
Legislation – Tarrant County 911 (tc911.org)
Any owner or operator of a multi-line telephone system added or upgraded after July 1, 2017, shall configure the MLTS system to include the street address, and if applicable, the business name, of the location of the communications device from which the call is made. Additionally, callback number, office, unit or building number, room number, and if multi-story, building floor. Utah Code SMLTS. 53-10-601 et seq. http://le.utah.gov/~2017/bills/sbillenr/SB0014.pdf
MLTS end users shall have the ability to directly initiate a call to 911 without dialing any additional digit, code, prefix or post-fix.
MLTS providers must ensure that an emergency call placed from any telephone is delivered to the PSAP with ANI and ALI, or an alternative method of providing call location information.
1. Emergency calls from a telephone station provide the PSAP with sufficient location identification information to ensure that emergency responders are dispatched to a location at the facility from which the emergency call was placed, from which location emergency responders will be able to ascertain the telephone station where the emergency call was placed (i) by being able to view all of the telephone stations in the area contiguous to the telephone station from which the emergency call was placed or (ii) by the activation of an alerting system at the facility, which activation is triggered by the placing of the emergency call, and which readily allows arriving emergency responders to determine the physical location of the telephone station from which the emergency call was placed. A light or alarm located near the telephone station is an example of such an alerting system;
2. Emergency calls from a telephone station, in addition to reaching a PSAP, connect to or otherwise notify a switchboard operator, attendant, or other designated on-site individual who is capable of giving the PSAP the location of the telephone station from which the emergency call was placed; or
3. Calls to the digits "9-1-1" from a telephone station connect to a private emergency answering point.
Residential service providers must ensure that an emergency call placed from any caller is delivered to the PSAP along with a unique ALI for their unit.
Business service providers must ensure that an emergency call placed from any caller is delivered to the PSAP along with a unique ALI for their telephone.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) plays a crucial role in ensuring that the public can always reach 911 emergency services.
Here are some key aspects of the FCC's priorities and rules regarding 911 services:
Completing 911 Calls: The FCC mandates that wireless, wireline, and interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) service providers are required to connect all 911 calls.
This means that when a person dials 911, the call must go through, and the service provider must transmit the caller's location information to the 911 call centers. This location information is vital for emergency responders to reach the caller quickly and accurately.
Ensuring 911 Reliability: Covered 911 service providers, which include those who aggregate 911 traffic and deliver it to 911 call centers, are required to annually certify to the FCC that they have implemented specific measures to ensure the reliability of their 911 services.
These measures typically include:
911 Circuit Diversity: Ensuring redundancy in 911 circuits to prevent service disruptions.
Central Office Backup Power: Having backup power systems in place to maintain 911 services during power outages.
Network Monitoring: Implementing network monitoring to detect and address issues affecting 911 services promptly.
Reporting Outages to 911 Call Centers: Communications providers are obligated to promptly notify designated officials at affected 911 facilities in the event of an outage that has the potential to affect the 911 facility. They must convey all available information that may be useful for mitigating the effects of the outage.
This notification is critical to maintaining the integrity of 911 services during emergencies.
These rules and priorities are in place to ensure that 911 services are reliable and that the public can always reach emergency services when needed.
The FCC's oversight and enforcement help safeguard the ability of individuals to access critical help during emergencies, contributing to public safety and well-being.
Many locations have an MLTS, including companies with offices in multiple locations, campuses (including K-12, universities and colleges), government offices, hospitals, hotels, retail facilities, and financial institutions.
Kari’s Law applies to people who make, sell, lease, install, manage or own/operate an Multi-Line Telephone System (MLTS) that was manufactured, sold or installed after February 17, 2020.
The regulations do not apply to an existing MLTS installed before that date.
Because the statute isn’t retroactive, some locations with an MLTS may still require dialing an extra digit to call 911 until the system is upgraded or replaced.
RAY BAUM’S Act affects MLTS manufacturers, owners and operators as well as service providers, state and local 911 authorities and PSAPs/ ECCs.
Service providers include companies that provide fixed telephony, interconnected VoIP service, mobile text services, and more. Those who make, own, and manage MLTS and service providers must comply with the laws and deadlines.
In line with the Commission’s goal of providing first responders with the dispatchable location of an emergency caller - regardless of how the caller reaches 911 - the adopted rules apply to several different technologies.
These technologies include fixed and non-fixed MLTS devices, fixed telephony systems, and ALL of the latest cloud-based Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems - like Brookside sells.
Providers of fixed devices and services must automatically deliver a dispatchable location with any 911 calls originating from their equipment, while providers of non-fixed devices and services must do so when it is technically feasible.
So, is your business compliant with these new laws?
Both Kari’s Law and Ray Baum’s Act went into effect in 2020 & 2021, respectively. Because of this, your phone system may not be in compliance.
Brookside can conduct a FREE compliance check for you and provide solid options from industry leaders. With almost 40 years of experience in voice, data, and surveillance solutions, I'm personally equipped with the expertise to seamlessly transition you into a compliant system that is customizable to your business needs.
PSAPs/ECCs, businesses, and educational facilities do not need to change their MLTS to comply with Kari’s Law regulations.
But starting on February 17, 2020, all MLTS manufacturers, vendors, importers, lessors, installers, managers, and operators must preconfigure any new MLTS system to meet the requirements noted above.
In addition, service providers must meet the deadlines below for providing a dispatchable location for every 911 call, as required by RAY BAUM’S Act, depending on the device from which the MLTS 911 call is coming.
Contact Mike Dance at Brookside at [email protected] today to get started!
There are three rules primarily based on Kari’s Law and Ray Baum’s Act that require attention, and each will vary in ease of implementation and impact over the next few years:
Direct 911 Dialing
MLTS Notification
Dispatchable Location For
On-premises fixed telephones
On-premises non-fixed telephones
Off-premises devices
Direct 911 Dialing §9.16(b)(1) – effective February 16, 2020
“…a user may directly initiate a call to 911 from any station equipped with dialing facilities, without dialing any additional digit, code, prefix, or post-fix, including any trunk-access code such as the digit 9…”
MLTS Notification §9.16(b)(2) – effective August 2, 2020
“…provide MLTS notification to a central location at the facility where the system is installed or to another person or organization regardless of location, if the system is able to be configured to provide the notification without an improvement to the hardware or software of the system…”
Dispatchable location §9.16(b)(3) – effective August 2, 2020
“…configured such that the dispatchable location of the caller is conveyed to the PSAP with 911 calls…”
Dispatchable location for on-premises fixed telephones §9.16(b)(3)(i) – effective August 2, 2020
“…An on-premises fixed telephone associated with a multi-line telephone system shall provide automated dispatchable location…”
Dispatchable location for on-premises non-fixed devices §9.16(b)(3)(ii) – effective January 2022
“…provide to the appropriate PSAP automated dispatchable location, when technically feasible; otherwise, it shall provide dispatchable location based on end user manual update, or alternative location information…”
The on-premises requirements can be satisfied by most of the latest premise and cloud-based phone systems with or without your carrier or third-party involvement.
In larger or multi-floor buildings, there may be a requirement to use a third-party phone discovery manager (PDM) and E911 service provider for MSAG validation, for less complexity and ease of management. Brookside can help assure the granularity is appropriate to identify “the door to kick down.”
Dispatchable location for off-premises devices §9.16(b)(3)(iii) – effective January 2022
“…provide to the appropriate PSAP automatic dispatchable location, if technically feasible; otherwise, it shall provide dispatchable location based on end user manual update, or enhanced location information, which may be coordinate-based, consisting of the best available location that can be obtained from any available technology or combination of technologies at reasonable cost…
On Microsoft Teams, which is slated to release their initial rendition of dynamic E911, it becomes interesting to see what types of “any available technology or combination of technologies” apply, especially after reviewing some of the Microsoft comments in the referenced FCC document:
Microsoft states that commercially available location services already in use around the globe can be leveraged “relatively quickly and effectively” to enhance the 911 capabilities of IP-based and cloud-MLTS and interconnected VoIP services in ways “far more accurate and reliable than a ‘registered location’ manually entered by the end-user.”
According to Microsoft, location technologies that could be leveraged include GPS/GNSS location, device-based sensing of Wi-Fi hotspots, and use of commercially available crowd-sourced location data.
When it comes to providing the exact dispatchable location, the definition is still a little blurry and there doesn’t seem to be any definitive rules for going beyond the MSAG validated civic address. It is important to take this seriously and as not putting proper thought and investment could open yourself up to fines, if not private lawsuits.
Dispatchable Location
“..A location delivered to the PSAP with a 911 call that consists of the validated street address of the calling party, plus additional information such as suite, apartment or similar information necessary to adequately identify the location of the calling party...”
“..Accordingly, the definition of dispatchable location that we adopt today gives participants in the MLTS marketplace flexibility in deciding what level of detail should be included in the location information provided to PSAPs for particular environments, so long as the level of detail is functionally sufficient to enable first responders to identify the location of a 911 caller in that environment.
State Laws and Local Ordinances
It important to always cross-reference state laws and regulations as they may be more stringent or defined.
Local ordinances can be more difficult, so you should check with local county/city contacts for any specific regulations.
Scenarios Not Addressed by FCC
It is not clear in the new rules what the requirements are for PSAP’s ability to call you back in case of disconnection.
There could be a limitation where your phone number is simply an extension of a main number using an auto attendant, and the callers DID is masked with a vanity number, resulting in PSAP not being able to call back to the caller directly.
There are also insufficient references to running a private 911 PSAP service, which is sometimes the case in large manufacturing campuses with private emergency, fire, ambulance, and security services.
The E911 regulations are a critical factor with regards to the proper setup of your Teams environment along with the overall safety planning for your office.
Brookside works directly with providers that have extensive experience with deploying and implementing various types of E911 including the general PSTN carrier or third-party E911 routing carriers based on the organization’s size, number of locations, and needs.